When you first setup a new PC or laptop, you are required to create a Microsoft acct using your email address and a password. By default, your Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders reside in the OneDrive folder. This folder saves the data from the above 3 folders to the Microsoft One Drive cloud. If you break or lose your computer, you can purchase a new a new one, login to your Microsoft Acct and all of your Desktop, Docs and Pics will be retrieved.
You get 5 GB free storage, unless you purchase Microsoft Office 365 @ $69.95 /yr which gives you 1TB (1000 GB) free storage.
Obviously, if you have many pics, documents and large folders on the Desktop, you will use that 5 GB pretty fast.
There is an alternative: We can move those 3 folders out of the One drive folder by easily creating a Docs, Pics and Desktop within your user account.
**************Instructions are below***************
Move folders from Onedrive to user folder on C: drive
Browse to C:\users\yourusername Create 3 new folders named Desktop, Documents, Pictures ( There should already be folders there for all the other user folders that do not default to Onedrive) Navigate back to “This PC”- RIGHT click on existing Desktop folder, select properties Click location tab Click Move button Click the Select Folder button
In the explorer window that pops up, browse to C:\users\yourusername and select the Desktop folder you created there. Click Select Folder, Click Move. Click Ok
You’ll see a prompt asking whether you want to move files from the old location to the new location. Select Yes. Now go to properties of the Desktop folder in file explorer. It should show location as your default folder
Repeat this process for the other 2 folders (Documents and Pictures) that you want to move to the default user location
****Make sure that all the files that were originally in those 3 folders that defaulted to OneDrive are now in your user folder location
********You can now setup your backup to OneDrive again if you choose to do so but remember, if you exceed the 5GB free storage you get with you new PC it will stop backing up when full.
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